Episode 3 – Quick and healthy salad options

Salads are great for anyone, at any age, and at any time.

Salads will add immense benefits to your health and fitness and it’s really not as difficult or complicated as some people make it out to be. Here, I’ll be sharing a versatile and healthy salad options recipe so you can make a simple yet complete salad for your next meal or social gathering.


Why salads?

Most people around the world don’t eat enough fruits and vegetables – and you’re likely to be one of them!

This has many implications on the health risk of the individual and even on the population level – such as cancer of the bowel, diabetes type II, heart disease and so on.

Vegetables and fruits have to be the best supply of nutrients for the body such as the classic vitamins A, C, E as well as minerals such as, potassium, iron, magnesium, calcium and even trace minerals and phytochemicals (plant chemicals) are all in vegetables and fruits. Even macronutrients like fibre and “complex” carbohydrates are available in a few varieties of vegetables and fruits.

These nutrients are essential for you to live and when present in ample supply they optimise your performance – thinking, movement, speed, recovery, endurance.

In this article, I wanted to share my top 6 steps on how to make a quick salad and why salad is healthy for you.

Today you will learn:

  • What ingredients you can use
  • How to prepare them
  • What order to prepare them
  • Some basic or novel health features of food items.


Daily Vegetable Targets

In Australia, the general rule of thumb for vegetable targets is to eat five serves of vegetables per day (or more if possible).


What’s a serving size?

There are three basic categories of vegetables:

  • Garden salad
  • Starch vegetables such as potato, pumpkin, corn, etc.
  • Other vegetables such as cruciferous (cauliflower, broccoli), leafy green (spinach, brussels sprout), etc.


Garden Salads

If you’re eating salads, one cup is one serving size of salad, so if you can have five serves of salad, you’ll hit your daily target. In saying that, you don’t want to be eating salads the whole time.


Preparing your salad

Let’s get into it!


Step #1 – You’ll need some Lettuce (two or more types is good)

To start the salad you’ll need at least two different types of lettuce.

In the video, I used some romaine (green) and some butterleaf lettuce (brown) –

  • one head of romaine lettuce and
  • one head of butterleaf lettuce

Chop off some of the lettuce and pop it into the salad bowl. Check for dirt and bugs.


Lettuce Fun Fact

Lettuce is good for dietary fibre and if you use a leafy green vegetable like spinach (while drinking orange juice) you can get iron and calcium as well.


Step #2 – Pick a vegetable that’s a bright contrasting colour (such as an orange, red or pink)

Next, you’ll need some tomatoes and depending on the size of the tomato possibly  5 to 7. Cut them into halves or if you use cherry tomatoes simply put them in whole.

If you don’t like tomatoes, you can just use something like Pomelo (or grapefruit). These are also very nice in their colour and contrasts the green and brown of the lettuce as well.


Tomato Fun Fact

Tomatoes are a really good source of lycopene.

Lycopene is found in adrenal glands, in males it’s found in the testis and also found in the eyes. If it is found in these areas it can be inferred that they play a role in those glands and body tissues – so in the case of lycopene, male hormone function and vision as well.

Lycopene is also a very good antioxidant, so good for fighting free radicals inside the body.


Read on for step 3 to step 7 of this versatile and healthy salad options recipe.

Chris Everingham lives and breathes health & fitness.

Hi, I’m Chris Everingham.

I’m sharing the holistic performance secrets that I both personally used to overcome racial scrutiny, escape poverty and depression, AND taught others so that they too could bring proven success and happiness into their lives.

Learn more about my time competing in international sports, in front of media and speaking with live audiences of thousands of people to discover my high performance secrets. Click here to grow your mindset, rewire your habits and transform your life.


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