Episode 15 – How to improve your posture

Posture is about finding the optimal position for your body in space and time in a given environment. In this article, I wanted to share with you my top four (4) posture tips and ticks to improve your posture.

Let’s go through them!


Why is posture important?

Good posture assists in:

  • Improving performance
  • Injury risk reduction through increased ROM (range of motion), joint stability
  • Increase lung capacity (an upright posture opens up the torso to maximise lung capacity versus slouched posture).
  • Alignment of joints
  • Helps to ensure that the other systems in our body (such as lymphatic system) are in working order and not suppressed or suboptimal.
  • Improve symmetry


1. Identify environmental factors

The environment has a big impact on your posture. Whether it’s your physical environment or daily repeated actions, keep an eye on them. Here are some questions to help eliminate contributing factors:


What are your daily actions (what do you spend most your time doing)?

Here are some common examples to consider:


What are your daily exposures (what are you frequently exposed to in your environment)?

Here are some common examples to consider:

  • If you wear high heels all day?
  • Sports that are one-side dominant sports such as golf, tennis, cricket, baseball.


2. Identify the posture muscles involved

There are two sides to the postural equation:

  • Tight muscles
  • Loose muscles


Tight muscles

The tight muscles continue to hold the posture in place. These muscles are usually recruited because they have more nerves firing those muscles (eg. Hip flexors and upper traps), injury (neural rewiring to reduce pain, poor rehabilitation, etc.), habit formation and repetition or due to your postural environment.


Loose muscles

The loose muscles are usually weaker muscles that need to be “fired up.” They are often overstretched, underactive or dominated by the tight muscles from both neural recruitment and repeated use.


Knowing the postural muscles

Once you know which muscles are tight and loose, this will help you to then know what to do in those areas:

  • Tight muscles – loosen them with stretches, myofascial release (such as foam rolling, trigger point, etc.), massage
  • Loose muscles – “tighten” or focus on activating them with isolated activation exercises.



Let’s have a look at three (3) more posture tips and tricks. Read on below for details.

Chris Everingham lives and breathes health & fitness.

Hi, I’m Chris Everingham.

I’m sharing the holistic performance secrets that I both personally used to overcome racial scrutiny, escape poverty and depression, AND taught others so that they too could bring proven success and happiness into their lives.

Learn more about my time competing in international sports, in front of media and speaking with live audiences of thousands of people to discover my high performance secrets. Click here to grow your mindset, rewire your habits and transform your life.


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